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Industry News & Updates

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Using A Seasoned Generalist Damages Expert

Some damages experts describe themselves as specializing within specific industries, such as a construction damages expert. Others self-identify based on the type of damages analysis they typically perform such as intellectual property or labor. However, many experts are afraid to identify themselves as “generalists,” fearing they will be viewed as not having much expertise in any particular damages area. However, using a seasoned generalist damages expert can offer a number of benefits for the client and their outside counsel. Some of these benefits include the following:

Recent Updates to the Service Contract Labor Standards and Davis-Bacon Act

The U.S. federal government mandates certain wage standards for companies performing on government contracts. Two of the most significant pieces of legislation in this realm are the Service Contract Labor Standards (SCLS), formerly the Service Contract Act, and the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA). While both acts aim to ensure fair wages for workers, they cater to different sectors. The SCLS focuses on service employees in contracts with the federal government, whereas the DBA is specific to federal construction contracts. Given the complexities of these acts and the recent updates, understanding their intricacies is crucial for contractors to ensure they are meeting the pay requirements therein.

Considerations in Calculating Prejudgment Interest

Prejudgment interest is a form of compensation that seeks to convert financial harm suffered by a party in the past to a present value as of the date a judgment is issued (if interest is an allowable remedy) or a settlement agreement is reached (if interest is part of the agreement). Prejudgment interest, along with damages analysis, aims to achieve the overarching objective of making the harmed party “whole” as measured by the financial impacts associated with the claimed bad acts of the other party.